How to & Builder Tips

Ever wonder how to make a certain part with fiberglass or sheet metal? Or fix an oil leak? These tips can guide you and reduce the amount of head-scratching.

GlaStar N40VX. Photo: Steve Nation.

GlaStar Horizontal Stabilizer Angle of Attack

I flew with Al Sibley in his GlaStar, N40VX. We took some measurements to see how the elevator on his airplane faired with the...
glastar firewall assembly drawing

GlaStar Firewall Template Tip

I started out by using the supplied template to cut out a cardboard firewall. It did not come close to fitting. I started all...
GlaStar horizontal stabilizer ribs

GlaStar and Sportsman Tail Section Tips

Counterweight fabrication: A local homebuilder showed me a way to construct a counterweight, and it's much simpler than cutting up the lead sheet. First,...


Every Glasair and GlaStar kit contains plastic bags of the white powders (guaranteed to raise the suspicions of any DEA agent!) that we know...
Preparing the gel coat. Photo: Zach Chase

GlaStar Fuselage Finish Tips

Exterior screws: countersink screw heads deep enough to fill flush with a couple thin layers of glass. Makes for a smooth surface. - Jim Londo Exterior...

Peel and Stick Washers

Submitted by by Mark Kokstis, GlaStar I am submitting a suggestion that may just cut down on the frustration level of builders. I had many problems...

Straps, Flaps & More

Here are a few things I've done on my GlaStar that others might find interesting. Brake Actuator Support Straps As one applies the brakes in a...

Level-Headed Observations

This builder hint concerns the lowly instrument called the "level." No matter what kind of aircraft you are building, everything evolves from what is referred...

GlaStar Aileron Rigging

One of the biggest challenges for GlaStar builders arises in the "home stretch" of the project. This challenge is affectionately referred to around our...

GlaStar Rudder Trim

Submitted by Bill Wilson, GlaStar I developed a servo-driven electric rudder trim and installed in the GlaStar kit I started in August 1996. I won't...