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Cool Tools

A while back I was asked how I was getting so much done on my plane in a short period of time. Naturally I...

Jeff Liot’s GlaStar Mods

Jeff Liot has done outstanding work on his GlaStar. Here's a bunch of mods that he's done. You can contact Jeff at

Oshkosh AirVenture 2009

Written by Greg and Sue Prentiss  For starters, we didn’t beat out the RV aficionados. It was close though, 400+ RVs and 19 Glasairs. I’m not...

Streamlined Heated Pitot Tube

Want a unique pitot tube? Follow these instructions from Eric Jones and build a custom heated pitot tube. Eric Jones can be reached via his...

Transition Training Challenges

Pilots who haven't started transition training into the Glastar or Sportsman should be prepared to encounter a few challenges that are quite common for...


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