How to & Builder Tips

Ever wonder how to make a certain part with fiberglass or sheet metal? Or fix an oil leak? These tips can guide you and reduce the amount of head-scratching.

glastar kit delivered in driveway

New Builder?

So you just bought an airplane kit. Congratulations! That big crate is on it's way. Yikes! Now what? You'll be glad to know you're not alone. There...

Fitting A McCauley Propeller on a 4-Cylinder Lycoming-Engine Glasair

Stoddard-Hamilton Aircraft does not stock a McCauley spinner installation kit for the Glasair I, II, or GlaStar aircraft. We do stock a McCauley spinner install...

Firewall Grommet Alternative

Submitted by Dace Kirk, Phoenix Composites, Mesa Arizona At Phoenix Composites, Inc. we treat the problem of firewall grommets somewhat different. We find that there are...

Bucking Bars

This builder tip was submitted by Scott Gordon, kit #5031. I have noted over the last year comments about bucking bars in tight places. I...
trimming wing skin

Trimming a Wing Skin in 5 Minutes or Less

Here is how we trim wing skins at R&D Technical Services. Get your work table ready: Purchase a 1-1/4” x 1-1/4” x 1/8” piece of...
Roll servo located under the copilot seat.

S-TEC 30 Installation for GlaStar

Parts not supplied by S-TEC: Two pulleys MS 20219-4 Two bolts AN 4-23 (to replace the existing forward aileron pulleys bolts) Location of sub-assemblies Turn coordinator/roll...

Lycoming Oil Pressure Port

Submitted by Daniel Blumel, Glasair RG If you are experiencing high oil pressure readings, the problem may be a result of where the oil pressure...

Measuring Catalyst

Submitted by Art Chard - Glasair FT When using an eye dropper to measure catalyst, hold the eye dropper vertically. If it is held horizontally...
rivet gun

Riveting Tips

Dimples: Those cute little depressions around the rivet heads that occur when riveting light skins are almost impossible to avoid. They are caused by...
Automatic center-punch

Locating and Center-Punching Holes

You may have the best tools, but it's knowing how to use them that makes you a craftsman - in this case our members...