Fuel Vent Float Valve Installation in Glasair

Cliff Faber shares some hints and tricks for the installation of S-H’s popular fuel vent float valve installation in Glasair I and II aircraft....

Lyle Powell’s 600 Hours in the Glasair III

Written by Lyle Powell, Glasair III. My III has always been difficult to touch down gracefully, perhaps because of my long flaps. My flap-dump button...

Modifying Glasair’s 180 HP Upper Cowl to Clear 200 HP Lycoming Engine

In the 2nd quarter '94 Glasair News (p. 1138), I described the mods I did to the lower cowl of my Glasair II, to...

Spoiler Bumps on Half Fork Gear Doors

Submitted by Jim Sipprelle, Glasair I RG Jim Sipprelle sent Stoddard-Hamilton a fax about some spoiler bumps that he has tried on his landing gear half...

Accident Briefs, November 1994

As FAA and National Transportation Safety Board reports can take up to one year to be published, advanced publication of accidents in this column...

Fuel Vent Float Valves

We felt that the following schematic of the FVFVs would help to better understand their function. Though Glasairs have been operating successfully for 15...

Doing Business with the Glasair III

"You try to do too many things when we go someplace," is a comment I'll sometimes hear from my wife, Bonita. And I guess...

Glasair Visual Fuel Gauge

The pictures show a visual fuel gauge that is located approximately at wing station 37 L. It is visible through the landing gear opening...

Glasair RG Hydraulics

Several RG hydraulic landing gear pumps have not been producing proper system pressures due to any number of reasons, many of which have been...

Maintaining Glasair Fuselage Width

Kern Hendricks recently brought his kit to our Service Center for some help in completing it, and pointed out that during the construction of...