How to & Builder Tips

Ever wonder how to make a certain part with fiberglass or sheet metal? Or fix an oil leak? These tips can guide you and reduce the amount of head-scratching.

GlaStar flap under construction

GlaStar and Sportsman Flap Construction Tips

Flap track guide hints: Rivet the flap track guide arms and reinforcement angles to rib pairs A & C and the Deployment arms (pair...
aileron cove

GlaStar Cove Ribs and Skins Tips

Aileron cove rib: We found that when installing the left wing aileron cove the lower wing skin is about 3/8" too short to give...
GlaStar wing jig

GlaStar and Sportsman Wing Jig Tips

Building the wing jig: I made my jig so that both wings could be built back to back. I made mirror images of the...
Inspection hole for aux. tank fittings

Adding Inspection Holes to the GlaStar or Sportsman Wing

Cutting inspection plate holes: Here is one way to cut (perhaps scribe is a better choice of words) a nice inspection circle in your...
GlaStar wing hat-section stiffener

Tips for Hat Sections in the GlaStar Wing

Hat section stiffener fitting: The hat section stiffeners have a joggle stamped into each end as they fit under the spar flange and then...
Strut drilling jig

Tips for Installing and Drilling the GlaStar Wing Struts

Trim the fuselage cutouts for spars a little more than you think you need to. Pin and bolt the spars to the cage; slide...
Wiring through the nose ribs. Photo: Russ Beers.

Planning for Wiring Runs in the Wings

Tips are great when you read them before you go down the wrong path. Here are a few that could save you some headache...

GlaStar Wing Spar Tips

There is quite a bit of manufacturing tolerance in the spar assemblies. My aft spar was a good .10" shorter than it should have...
GlaStar wing in its jig

GlaStar Wing Assembly Tips

Positioning the leading edge wing skins: In positioning the leading edge wing skins, I found it easier to start by clamping one edge in...

Riveting the GlaStar Top Skins

Riveting on the top skins: I used saw horses, carefully set up, to support the wings instead of putting them back in the wing...