
The Sportsman and GlaStar are docile and feel at home on short back-country strips. The flying techniques shared by others make us better pilots.

The GlaStar: An Instructor’s Perspective

By Michael Crowell, reprinted with permission from INFLIGHT Magazine Mike is a CFII, Advanced and Instrument Ground Instructor, an FAA Safety Counselor, and a check...
first-flight hb-ynd

First Flight or the Thrill of Having a Baby

For each airplane, first flight is only done once. In my mind, it’s the closest builders get to the thrill of having a baby. Amazing...
Dave Hulse landing his GlaStar

Crosswinds in the GlaStar

On a very windy, gusty Saturday Bill Janes and I flew to a nearby airport to attend an EAA Chapter meet ing. Because I...

Are You a Safe Pilot?

Do you consider yourself a safe pilot? Why? When you make a flight in your GlaStar, Sportsman or other aircraft, what kinds of pre-flight...
Right rudder, right rudder, right rudder...

Transition Training Challenges

Pilots who haven't started transition training into the Glastar or Sportsman should be prepared to encounter a few challenges that are quite common for...
Tom Flemming's GlaStar on landing. (Photo: Dave Prizio)

Tail-Low Wheel Landings

I have written several times about the long-standing debate over three-point versus wheel landings in tailwheel equipped airplanes. Of course the debate has been...
Pilot logbook cover


Glasair Aviation announced recently that the company received a LODA (Letter of Deviation Authority) to conduct flight training in their experimental aircraft. A LODA authorizes...

Towing the Line – Glider Operations with the GlaStar

I have been asked by representatives of many soaring clubs if the GlaStar could be a good towplane for gliders. After examining the towplane's...

How I Pranged my Sportsman

It was Saturday, Jan. 4, 2014, and I was on a flight from my airport in Richland, WA, direct to Nehalem Bay State at...

Inadvertent Flap Retraction

On our last fuel stop coming home from our Idaho adventures I was landing on a long runway with breezy conditions at KTKX. Due...