Home Glasair How-to and Builder Tips

How-to and Builder Tips

No need to reinvent the wheel every time. Tips and hints for builders and owners constructing and maintaining aircraft.

Horizontal Stabilizer Hinge Bracket Alignment

Submitted by John Schroeder This is a supplement to the Builder’s Hint published by Neal Garvin describing a new way to align the hinge brackets on...

Glasair Elevator Hinge Offset

Written by Jim Dutton This information may help builders (Glasair and other composite aircraft) who have not yet closed their horizontal stabilizers avoid the dreaded...
Keeping fiberglass parts in a hot attic comes with the risk of warping.

Fiberglass Parts Warping in Hot Storage

Glenn Culver sent this tip. I've had a problem with warped GlaStar doors after storing them in a hot location. If I were to do it...

Glasair Vertical Stabilizer Hints

Written by Jim Dutton When I started closing the vertical stab I decided it would be easier if I did not get in my own...

Glasair Torque Values

We receive a number of calls asking for the torque on bolts such as the engine mount to firewall or other fasteners that go...
eyedropper for resin promoter

Properly Promoting Resin

The resin that we currently use in both the Glasair and the GlaStar is Dow Derakane 411-45. This resin is shipped from Stoddard-Hamilton in...
Lycoming IO-360 engine

200-hp Engines in a Glasair FT?

There have been a few inquires about the use of a 200 hp engine such as an IO-360-(A) or (C) series for use in...

Modifying Glasair’s 180 HP Upper Cowl to Clear 200 HP Lycoming Engine

In the 2nd quarter '94 Glasair News (p. 1138), I described the mods I did to the lower cowl of my Glasair II, to...

Glasair Gear Down Problem Avidance

Submitted by Bill Kramer, Glasair III builder. During recent gear cycle tests, I discovered a problem. The gear would retract but would not extend. After...

AoA Indicator

Submitted by Carter Boswell The multicolor rectangle thing on the glare shield is my AOA indicator in the “up” position. When retracted it sits flush...