Changing the GlaStar Seat Back Angle
Whenever my wife has me drive her car, I always have to adjust the seat since she’s 5’-2”. That includes adjusting the seat back...
Spoiler Bumps on Half Fork Gear Doors
Submitted by Jim Sipprelle, Glasair I RG
Jim Sipprelle sent Stoddard-Hamilton a fax about some spoiler bumps that he has tried on his landing gear half...
Precise Flight Speed Brakes in a Glasair
This tip was submitted by Ted Beck
In 1990 while attending Oshkosh I made a deal with the people in the Precise Flight (PF) booth...
Splitting the Glasair Main Fuel Tanks
DO NOT split your main fuel tank. We split ours and I don't think is was worth it. Use the check valves to prevent...
Taming the Tail Wheel Shimmy
Written by Will Fox, Technical Counselor, EAA Chapter 691, Los Alamos, New Mexico
Ever had a tail wheel shimmy on you? If you haven’t, consider...
Fitting A McCauley Propeller on a 4-Cylinder Lycoming-Engine Glasair
Stoddard-Hamilton Aircraft does not stock a McCauley spinner installation kit for the Glasair I, II, or GlaStar aircraft. We do stock a McCauley spinner install...
Firewall-Forward Gremlins
Written by Mike Palmer, Glasair I/II.
Fluctuating Fuel Pressures
For the longest time, we had a problem with our fuel pressure (carbureted engine). Occasionally, the fuel pressure...
Rib Shaping Made Easy
Submitted by Don Kinney
Fitting the wing ribs aft of the main spar can be pretty time-intensive and frustrating, so here's a system I came...
Windshield Installation “Bush Fix” When Clecos Run Out
At one point during the installation of our windshield it became clear that we needed an additional wingnut cleco - the windshield simply wasn't conforming to the shape of the fuselage joggle as well as expected. We had exhausted our supply of wingnut clecos, so what were we to do?
Glasair Tips After Two Years of Flying
Submitted by Lyle Powell
My Glasair III, "Scoot", just passed its second birthday since first flight and it continues to change and improve as problems...