File this info away for future reference when you start your brake system installation. When you start pondering the Nylaflow tubing/brass fitting brake system you may want to make some changes.
I have finally eliminated all Nylaflow tubing and brass fittings on my Super IIS-FT which has pilot and passenger braking capability and two lines through the firewall to the brake fluid reservoir. The following parts list reflects my brake system installation, it can be reduced if you do not have passenger side brakes and/or you run one line of 5052-0 tubing through the firewall. The installation is broken down into three segments, brake fluid reservoir to firewall (5052-0 tubing), firewall to main gear legs (Aeroquip 303-3 hose) and down the main gear legs to the brake piston assemblies (5052-0 tubing). I ran the 5052-0 tubing through the conduit on the main gear legs and formed a loop at the brake piston assemblies to accommodate movement of the assemblies and heat expansion.

Parts list:
(1) AN825-3D Tee
(2) AN832-3D Bulkhead
(12) Aeroquip 491-3 Hose fittings
(8) AN816-3 Steel Nipple
(2) AN815-3D Union
(2) AN816-3D Nipple
(8) AN818-3D Nut
(8) AN819-3D Sleeve
(20ft) Aeroquip 303-3 Hose
(10ft) 5052-0 3/16″OD Tubing
I am working on getting my Glasair 1 RG (kit 537-R) back in the air and have a frayed brake line (dual brake installation). It isn’t very impressive as is and I am thinking to replace the entire assemble with something a little more robust.
Has anyone come up with a brake installation that seems less frail and works well with the brakes on a Glasair 1?
Sam Harris (new owner) 813-957-6156
Cleavland brakes makes upgraded version that has a thicker disk. Keeps same wheels. Much less prone to fading. Maco brakes do not work well with the Glasairs. I tried them and could not keep the disks from warping. Causes violent pulsing when braking.