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Tag: brakes

Glasair Brake System Installation

File this info away for future reference when you start your brake system installation. When you start pondering the Nylaflow tubing/brass fitting brake system...

Straps, Flaps & More

Here are a few things I've done on my GlaStar that others might find interesting. Brake Actuator Support Straps As one applies the brakes in a...

A Farewell to (Rusty) Arms

Submitted by by Mike Palmer, Glasair I/II FT Three hints—two about aileron counterweight arms, one about easing maintenance of the brake master cylinders. When mandatory Service Bulletin...

Unsticking Cleveland Master Cylinders

This tip was written by Richard May, Glasair III. I came across something interesting while assembling my brake system. On my left brake master cylinder, I...

GlaStar Brakes, Gear and Wheel Installation Tips

Gear parts: In doing the gear, I am finding a lot of parts missing: nut plates, several different bolts. Read through the manual to...

Glasair Tips After Two Years of Flying

Submitted by Lyle Powell My Glasair III, "Scoot", just passed its second birthday since first flight and it continues to change and improve as problems...

Precise Flight Speed Brakes in a Glasair

This tip was submitted by Ted Beck History In 1990 while attending Oshkosh I made a deal with the people in the Precise Flight (PF) booth...