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Tag: alaska

Maine to Alaska in a Sportsman—A First Timer’s Guide

The helpful guide for anyone considering flying to Alaska and northern Canada for the first time.

Alaska to Oshkosh, Part 3

Plenty has been written about Oshkosh so I will not say much about AirVenture 2019 except it was awesome. It is weird to reminisce,...

Alaska to Oshkosh, Part 2

There were still those who believed that Man would have been happier had he stayed on his own planet; but it was rather too...

Alaska to Oshkosh

It had always been in the back of my mind while building the GlaStar to someday make the Oshkosh trip.

North to Alaska

We always dreamed about flying our own plane to Alaska to see for ourselves if the stories and pictures are true. Do bears really...

Flight to Aniakchak Volcano

Norm Van Vactor recorded this video of a flight to Aniakchak Volcano in his Sportsman on floats. Some beautiful shots! https://vimeo.com/175569728

Denali From FL240

Friday was the day that all the stars aligned for aircraft, pilot, and weather. My bird was still on small tires with wheel pants, had...

Flying to Alaska

Some places just enchant you. No matter how many times you go there it isn’t enough. Alaska is like that for me. It was...

Survival Gear

As we prepared to embark on our grand tour of Canada and Alaska survival equipment became a major concern. But we should always give...