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063-09011-01 GlaStar Lycoming O-320 Induction System Installation Instructions

GLASTAR LYCOMING O-320 INDUCTION SYSTEM Engine induction air for Lycoming 0-320 engines in the GlaStar is supplied by a NACA scoop on the right-hand side...

063-09010-01 GlaStar Wing Fold Brace Kit Instructions

GLASTAR WING BRACE KIT This kit provides all the necessary parts, materials and hardware to allow your GlaStar's wings to be folded and stowed securely...

063-09009-01 GlaStar Lycoming Cowling Installation Instructions

LYCOMING COWLING OPTION This option kit provides all the parts, materials and hardware necessary for a clean, sturdy cowling installation around a Lycoming four-cylinder engine....

063-09007-01 GlaStar Dual Brake Option Instructions

DUAL BRAKE OPTION This Option Kit provides all the necessary parts, materials, hardware and plumbing supplies to install complete dual toe brakes on the co-pilot's...

063-09006-01 GlaStar 6.00 by 8.00 by 6 Main Gear

GLASTAR 6.00/8.00 X 6 MAIN GEAR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS These instructions cover the installation of either the 6.00 X 6 or 8.00 X 6 main wheels and...

063-09005-01 GlaStar Heated Pitot-Static System Option Instructions

HEATED PITOT/STATIC SYSTEM OPTION This option kit contains all the parts and hardware necessary for a pitot/static system installation suitable for IFR operation except for...

063-09004-01 GlaStar NAV-Strobe Light Option Instructions

NAV / STROBE LIGHT OPTION Properly installed, the navigation/strobe light package included in this kit meets FAR Part 91 standards for aircraft position and anti-collision...

063-09001-01 GlaStar Electric Trim Instructions

ELECTRIC TRIM OPTION The electric trim system consists of an elevator-mounted servo, which controls the position of the trim tab via a rigid pushrod linkage...