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Tag: cargo

Heavy Hauler

People want to know just how much you can carry in a Sportsman. I tell them it will carry anything that will fit unless...

Safari Cargo Net

I became interested in a net at the back of the seats, separating the cargo area, when I saw Alan Negrin’s Sportsman last September. I...

GlaStar Baggage Door Retrofit Instructions (Ted Setzer)

These instructions outline the procedures for installing a Sportsman-size baggage door to the GlaStar fuselage. Tooling for this baggage door was formed off of...

Effective Low-cost Solutions

Omar and I were sharing how nice it is to find low cost solutions that are effective and I mentioned a few things I...

Cargo Net for Sportsman

This tip was submitted by Heidi Tillinghast. Materials 1.5" nylon webbing #18 needle #69 Nylon bonded thread 1.5" Webbing clips All of this is available in...