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Tag: fiberglass

Derakane Fabrication Tips

Derakane Composite polymers Fabrication Tips, 2005 edition.

Glasair Service Bulletin 024

SUBJECT: Glasair III Horizontal Stabilizer Stiffening

Glasair Service Bulletin 025

SUBJECT: Contouring of Upper Surface Main Spar Cap

GlaStar/Sportsman Service Bulletin 070

REFERENCE: Vertical fin cracks

New Larger Instrument Panel for the GlaStar or Sportsman

Fibertech Composites has come out with a new a panel that will handle just about any combination of instruments. No need to settle for...

Carbon Fiber Elevator Rib Reinforcements

This tip was sent by Michael Harfst. An extra note for anyone considering a stiffener for the elevator end rib. I have the fiberglass tips...

Flush Oil Door

This tip was sent by Graham Nutt. In my case I worked out the area I was going to use on my uncut cowl,...