It’s been a while since we made a group purchase and the gang had started suffering from withdrawal symptoms, but luckily Rocky Morrison stepped up and put together an offer no gadget addict could refuse. At least no one without an aux fuel transfer controller in place.

If you don’t feel like spending big bucks for a Pillar Point controller, you are left to your own devices, and builders have rolled their own solutions. Rocky has come up with an easy-to-make timing device that would work similarly to the Pillar Point system. The device is simple—Rocky explains: a system consisting of three switches (On-Off-(On), rotary time select with knob, A-B-Both pump select), time-delay relay, diodes (proposal is 4 settings of 5,10,15,20 minutes which should be equal to 1/4,1/2,3/4 and full tank transfer) and connectors. (This is based on compete fuel transfer taking 20 min.) Timing adjustments can be made with different diodes.
The operation consists of selecting which pump(s) to operate, selecting the time to run them and pushing the ON switch. The timer will shut off automatically after the selected time elapses. As of this writing, the proposed cost for one controller with all parts is about $120 plus $20 per kit to cover the cost of packing, shipping (US price), soldering diodes to rotary switch and providing instructions.

Other than size and weight, is there any reason to not use something like this?
Simple, No electronics, easy to replace