Glasair Aviation, in partnership with BRS Aerospace, now offers whole-plane parachute recovery systems for the company’s popular Sportsman line of aircraft.
Parachute recovery systems are the best last option for pilots caught in unrecoverable spins or disoriented in nighttime or IMC conditions without a clear sense where or how to land. BRS Aerospace leads the industry with its aircraft ballistic recovery systems, which are credited with saving more than 350 lives.
The BRS system is available immediately on new Sportsman planes as a purchase upgrade and on previously built aircraft as a retrofit.
Glasair offers the system for $33,950, which includes installation, deployment-compatible hatch, and pilot-activated in-cockpit release–and increased peace of mind, especially for pilots who fly with their families.
The recovery system weighs 65 pounds installed and sits behind bulkhead A, so no passenger/storage space is lost. Glasair anticipates no more than 30 days turn-around time from drop-off to pickup.

Call or email Glasair Aviation Customer Service at 360-435-8533, ext. 232, or info@glasairaviation.com.
Visit brsaerospace.com to read more about ballistic recovery systems.
will this fit with a glastar too or just the sportsman?