Trevor Berg’s Sportsman on Floats

Here are a few postcards from Trevor Berg and his Sportsman on floats.

This photo is from Stauffer Lake, 10 miles north east of Missinipe, Saskatchewan about 50 miles past the last paved road in Saskatchewan, Canada. This was my first trip of the year in 2015 just after the ice was off the lake.

These are some of my favourite because they are all taken on trips with my father. He is the motivation behind my building, flying and adventures in this plane. I grew up flying with him so this was my goal to take him on adventures again.

—Trevor Berg

Kluane Ice Fields, Yukon.
Trevor with his father flying over the Kluane Ice Fields, Yukon.
Kluane Ice Fields, Yukon.
Fishing at Mandana Lake, Yukon, 90 miles north of Whitehorse.
Lake near Atlin, British Columbia.
Lake near Atlin, British Columbia.
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Omar Filipovic
Omar Filipovic is president of the Glasair Aircraft Owners Association as well as the chief tinkerer and content editor for this website. He is also the web editor for Kitplanes Magazine. Omar is building a GlaStar in Portland, Oregon.


  1. Trevor,
    Thanks for sharing the photos of your Sportsman on floats with your dad. My dad introduced me to flying in his Luscombe when I was very young and It put the (young eagle) desire in me to have my own plane someday. I purchased a set of fl;oats for my Sportsman a few months ago and hope to get them installed this spring.