- Version 1
- Downloads 538
- File Size 37.14 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date October 14, 2020
- Last Updated June 13, 2021
This document is a collection of advisories published by Stoddard-Hamilton/ Glasair Aviation for the Glasair I, II and III aircraft.
Version: 1.0 2020-10-14
- Index of Glasair Advisory Publications
- Memo to Builders About Revisions
- Index of Glasair Addenda
- Service Bulletins
- Service Letters
- Advance Notices of Revisions (ANORs)
NOTE: The Index of Glasair Advisory Publications lists these ANORs on page 8, but they are not included in this document collection:
1/1/93, 7/1/93, 7/1/94, 10/1/94, 1/1/95, 4/24/95
NOTICE: It is the responsibility of the aircraft builder/owner to determine which documents apply to a specific aircraft and to obtain those documents. The documents contained within this PDF file are compiled merely for convenience - the ultimate source of documentation is the kit manufacturer (Stoddard-Hamilton/Glasair Aviation) and it is the builder’s/owner’s responsibility to ensure all pertinent documents have been obtained. Consult the Glasair Aviation website: https://glasairaviation.com/support.
Attached Files
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Collection_of_Advisories_and_Service_Bulletins_Glasair_v_1.0.pdf |
The guy that my Ai is working on is a member of your group. Brian Naun. Is there a list of AD’s for a Glassair 3. All we find is a 567 page report. Thank You.
The first ten pages of this document are an index of all advisory publications – go through them to see which ones are applicable to your particular model. Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are not published for Experimental/Amateur-built aircraft – only service bulletins and service letters.