063-09078-01 Sportsman Aft-Facing seat instructions
The Aft Facing Seat can be retrofitted to any previous Sportsman fuselage with some minor differences in locations of both Bulkhead A and the forward floor bulkhead in the baggage area.
The seat back on...
063-09055-01 Glastar & Sportsman Door Latch Retrofit Instructions
Glasair Aviation has achieved a significant improvement in the installation and functioning of the latching mechanism. Kit P/N 940-07100-01 contains only the prefabricated...
063-09038-01 GlaStar Wing Fold Drain Pans Instructions
These wing drain pans were designed to occupy the least amount of space and yet still provide a rigid weatherproof shield for when the wings a re folded. Incorporated in the design is a removable center...
063-09035-01 GlaStar Jump-Start Fuselage Instructions
These instructions apply to the GlaStar Jump-Start Fuselage Option with the bulkheads installed. Unlike most of Stoddard-Hamilton's option instructions, these are intended primarily to tell you what not...