Glasair III, Nose Gear Drag Link
Part Number: G3-DL5
The G3-DL5 Drag Link is an experimental, nose gear drag link designed as an alternative replacement to the Glasair-III factory kit supplied aluminum...
Landing gear logic drawings:
Landing gear logic Z-2
Landing gear logic Z-2a
Landing gear down and locked Z-3
Landing gear down and locked Z-3a
Landing gear up and locked Z-4
Landing gear up and locked...
Covers models SH-2, SH-2F, SH-2R
Prepared by R.M. Gavinsky, Stoddard-Hamilton, October 6, 1987
Scope: The purpose of this analysis is to check the stress levels in the main and rear spar caps due to wing...
This was the Glasair Options catalog as it was available on Glasair Aviation’s website and is preserved here for archival purposes as a PDF document. The same information can also be found here, and...